Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Over Him.. Are You or Are You Not?

Break Up Letter

Through with an agonizing break-up? See if you fit in, in one of these two categories.

You are over him if..

  • You replace him on your speed dial with your fancy new hairdresser.
  • You meet a girl you think would be perfect for your ex.
  • You delete his old lovely e-mails -- they're sucking up too much RAM.
  • You define love as something you've gotten a little taste of and can't wait to experience more fully in the future.
  • You find his old shirt you used to sleep in -- and use it to wax your Honda City.
  • You feel sorry for attached friends for missing out on all the men.
  • You dust off the micromini he always called Courtney Love-level trashy.

You aren't if..

  • You call him from a pay phone number he can't trace just to hear his voice.
  • You pay your friends to spy on him and report back if he's with a woman.
  • You can quote every letter, card, and Post-it note he ever wrote you.
  • You define love as a deep festering wound that just won't heal as long as your heart's still beating
  • You won't wash the shirt he left at your place since it smells like him.
  • You haven't worn anything without an elastic waistband since the breakup.

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