Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Am I Grown Now Or What?

Getting myself acquainted to new things, places I haven’t been to, stuff I didn’t have an idea that existed, hitting upon bitter truths that were veiled by sweet deceptions or even just trying to make a difference among all else, are all corresponding to me. It’s like digging up an arcane mine, and then successfully finding treasure after a laborious and killing search.

I have recently been in this kind of situation, and what struck me most was how differently I confronted it, comparing from how I must have faced it long ago.

I have learned that difficulties and setbacks should be dealt with grace and sang-froid, however. After that, I was so damn proud of myself!

It was the time I realized, ‘Gosh.. Am I grown now or what?’’

Monday, May 07, 2007

Spanking New.

I feel just starting out… spanking new.

It’s been awhile since my last publish, and I deem this put out will officially hail myself again to the thing I love doing… Writing.

Welcome, myself!