Thursday, February 16, 2006

Tranquility Tips

On The Hammock
Here's how to keep your cool even if life hands you lemons.
  • Take a deep breath.
    Studies show that large intakes of oxygen definitely help to calm one’s nerves. Before blowing up, take five minute and concentrate on your breathing—it’ll help you relax and deflect your anger.
  • You’re not alone.
    Others have gone through the same hullabaloo as you have. Food for thought: Do you think those girls wouldn’t be as self-confident as they are now if they hadn’t experienced those sticky situations.
  • Shrug it off.
    Or better yet, laugh it off. Having a large dose of humor will let you see the bright side of every situation, regardless of how embarrassing, moronic, or disastrous it may be.
  • Have an outlet.
    Take up kickboxing, painting or any activity that’s totally different from what you do at work. When life starts to unravel, you can hop to the nearest gym or pour out your feelings in your journal. A good workout of your body and mind helps you to decompress.
  • Learn and move on.
    Sure, you may have lost a bit of pride, a chip off your ego, and plenty of money, but you’ll have gained something that’s priceless: wisdom and maturity.
  • Tell someone who cares about you.
    They’ll laugh it out with you or listen until you’re over it. It’s good to just let it out to people you can totally be with yourself.

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