Here are six totally crucial statements you should be able to make if he's the guy--and you're the duo--who has what it takes to go the distance. Now don't assume you're doomed if your confidence wavers on any of these love declarations. As long as your bond is basically on the right track, a little doubt simply highlights where your match needs some work. Just follow my advice.
I'm Still Me
When you're a one-hundred-percent authentic version of you with him and you maintain your own identity, ideas, and interests, your love has a longer, stronger foundation. Why? Besides the obvious pluses, having a life outside of your cozy couple hood--we're talking about things like your passion for reggae, going out with the girls, or keeping up your Saturday yoga class--means you're constantly bringing fresh opinions and new experiences to the relationship.
We Can Fight, Kiss, and Make Up
Spats can keep your relationship strong. Plus, you stay true to yourself because you spell out what hurts you and what you will--and won't--put up with. To benefit from a love brawl, you have to adjust your approach to arguing so that it's as fair as it is passionate. No free-for-all accusation slinging. Instead, be very specific about what burned you and why.
I'm Able To Be Myself With Him--and Speak Honestly
Do you bite your tongue when he flirts with other women so you don't seem like the anal jealous type? Swallow your own stress if you know he's had a hard day at work? Wanting to keep your relationship on an even keel is okay, but when you tiptoe around issues that might rock the boat or walk on eggshells around him, your love loses out.
We're On The Same Wavelength
Rock-solid couples aren't just compatible, they also have a general idea of each other's values, where the relationship is headed, and what's important, from careers to social life to the future.
Loving Him Brings Out The Best In Me
When you're happy in love, you morph into an even better version of yourself. More than that, you're inspired and energized by each other. And as a bonus, this positivity spills over into every aspect of your life.
He's My Rock
Great couples are the ultimate teammates. They look out for each other all the time. He listens when you have a meltdown, comes to your aid when you're cornered at a cocktail party, and brings you soup when you're feeling sick. He's your confidante, and you just know that he'll always be there for you. Your first step is to be more honest and upfront with your guy.
I'm Still Me
When you're a one-hundred-percent authentic version of you with him and you maintain your own identity, ideas, and interests, your love has a longer, stronger foundation. Why? Besides the obvious pluses, having a life outside of your cozy couple hood--we're talking about things like your passion for reggae, going out with the girls, or keeping up your Saturday yoga class--means you're constantly bringing fresh opinions and new experiences to the relationship.
We Can Fight, Kiss, and Make Up
Spats can keep your relationship strong. Plus, you stay true to yourself because you spell out what hurts you and what you will--and won't--put up with. To benefit from a love brawl, you have to adjust your approach to arguing so that it's as fair as it is passionate. No free-for-all accusation slinging. Instead, be very specific about what burned you and why.
I'm Able To Be Myself With Him--and Speak Honestly
Do you bite your tongue when he flirts with other women so you don't seem like the anal jealous type? Swallow your own stress if you know he's had a hard day at work? Wanting to keep your relationship on an even keel is okay, but when you tiptoe around issues that might rock the boat or walk on eggshells around him, your love loses out.
We're On The Same Wavelength
Rock-solid couples aren't just compatible, they also have a general idea of each other's values, where the relationship is headed, and what's important, from careers to social life to the future.
Loving Him Brings Out The Best In Me
When you're happy in love, you morph into an even better version of yourself. More than that, you're inspired and energized by each other. And as a bonus, this positivity spills over into every aspect of your life.
He's My Rock
Great couples are the ultimate teammates. They look out for each other all the time. He listens when you have a meltdown, comes to your aid when you're cornered at a cocktail party, and brings you soup when you're feeling sick. He's your confidante, and you just know that he'll always be there for you. Your first step is to be more honest and upfront with your guy.
"You're the reason I believe in love and you're the answer to my prayers from up above. All we need is just the two of us, my dreams came true because of you. I will love you as long as I live from this moment on." - Today I begin to understand what love must be, if it exists... When we are parted, we each feel the lack of the other half of ourselves. We are incomplete like a book in two volumes of which the first has been lost. That is what I imagine love to be: "incompleteness in absence"
vinni? pls let me know. thank you.
Let you know wat...??? Young lady
you've been posting comments on my entries and i sincerely appreciate it. let me know if you're vinni.. that's all i want to know.
again, thank you.
Yo...vinni the pooh..Young lady
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