Wednesday, December 22, 2004


I woke up and found out yesterday’s undertakings were all just but a dream; A propitious dream at that.

Now, I’m back to realism. A small voice whispers to my ear... “Don’t hurt yourself again, love.” As it tries to win over my heart.

Be careful now; for your spirit’s unguarded.


Always RED said...

hey... reality bites that's what they all say, sometimes we find it hard to face reality even.. but do we have a choice? To face ones reality means looking back on what we've done in the past..embracing and cherishing it even though it caused us hurt and pain. With that we learn how to be strong..we learn how to cope up with more realities to come..In dreams we build up hope, hopeless it may keeps the dream alive. So dear, always dream..always keep up the hope..and if that dream turns out to be a can always count on me to wake you up from that trance..take care of yourself.

periwinkle --- twelvefifteen said...

dear. thank you bf! i know you are always there.. sweet kisses.