How odd.. I find myself crying over a thing that shouldn’t bother me. Oh well, it should somehow agonize me, but not torment completely.
I have learned, no matter how good your intentions are on helping a friend or whoever, people who worry about their own selves only can use it against you. That’s how life is.. ruthless, sometimes.
Fairness is not being offered to all. Being honest and truthful can every so often lead you to being judged as a pompous kind of person. When you do things right, people will still say a lot of damaging words. It’s their way of making your life hell; just like theirs.
When I said to myself, 'I am lifting it all up to the Lord.. He will let them see and realize that I was the one offended, and not what is seen and supposed at this moment,' I suddenly felt light inside. My spirit, out of the blue felt serenity. The Good Lord carried my burden; the load was passed on to His shoulder. 'Thank you,' concluded my prayer.
I felt vindicated.