Recent undertakings have been a little frustrating for me. Well, in point of fact, such happenings weren’t in mine… they’re in a friend, a relative, and an acquaintance. Yet, I’m feeling for them. I don’t know. Maybe that’s really woman’s nature. We tend to feel sorry for those people (most specially if they’re close to us) because they are hurting.
Conversely, I have learned a lot from these.
A friend: She found out her husband is having an affair with another woman. She confronted him. Husband said he’s not serious with the other girl & that he wouldn’t dare leave his family for her. Wife believed. After a week, wife finds out he’s still going out with the girl… wife asks his husband to leave the house, a separation for awhile. 3 days later, husband comes home and says, they need not break away from each other and that he loves her and their kid. Week after that, wife discovers yet again, her husband still meets up with the girl. It’s a cycle. Heartbreaking.
A relative: She checks on her husband’s cell phone from time to time. She accidentally read something atypical. She hits upon the bitter truth… Her husband’s having an affair with his colleague. Wife kept mum about it. Said she didn’t want to confront her husband because she’s fearful of what’s going to happen to their family. She doesn’t want their kid to suffer the same pain they (husband & wife) both experienced, having a broken family. Husband’s still not aware her wife knows his illicit affair. Agonizing.
An acquaintance: She’s unattached. Possesses an appealing face. Has a rewarding job. And she wants to be emotionally involved to a married guy. The guy’s wife took liberty in talking to her through SMS. All the while she thought she was chatting with the guy. Wife asks why is it okay with her even if he’s married and has a kid already. Girl replies, “I told you, it’s okay or should I say, I don’t mind.” Wife arranged a date for the 2 of them. Girl agrees. Still thinking she’s on with the guy. Guy meets up with her, just dinner and talk. When it was time to leave the restaurant, guy asks where she’d want to go. Girl says, “anywhere you like.” Guy said he didn’t want to decide because she might get angry if he brings her to somewhere she refuses to be in. Girl said its okay and that she’d go with him wherever he wants to. Guy asks if it’s okay with her if they’ll go somewhere private, just the two of them. Girl answered, “Yes.” Guy was suddenly quiet. He thought it was cool. Free sex. Thought of his wife and kid. Life will change after a night of pleasure. Guy said to the girl, “No, I think I’ll just bring you back to your office now.” Love for family. Principles.